Vivekananda House
A Historic Place of Inspiration since Swami Vivekananda’s stay in 1897
Vivekananda House (known as Vivekanandar Illam in Tamil), an important landmark in Chennai is associated with the Sri Ramakrishna Math since 1897 when Swami Vivekananda stayed here for nine days after his triumphant return from the West. Later, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai was founded and functioned at this place during its ten years from 1897 to 1906. Now, this historic place houses a technological smart museum called “Experience Vivekananda” on Indian Culture, Swami Vivekananda’s Life and his message using latest trends like Virtual and Augmented Reality, modern 3D/4D effects and advanced Son et Lumiere elements. Currently, Vivekananda House is maintained by Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai and it’s a source of inspiration to thousands of Indian and International visitors who visit it every year.
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What Visitors Say About Us
"Meditating in Swami Vivekananda's house was a very special experience and I now feel inspired and energized"
- Hon'ble PM Narendra Modi during his visit to V.House on April 8th, 2023
Hon'ble PM @narendramodi ji, when u come for #VandeBharat inaguration in Chennai, I kindly request u to visit Vivekananda House and enjoy the Virtual Reality experience on "Tears of Vivekananda - Transformation of India". Today I have experienced the same & it's awsome #PMOIndia
If one wants to EXPERIENCE Swami Vivekananda, one should not miss this place. Earlier called the Ice house, this place has everything about Swami Vivekananda.
The original photo exhibition is a treat to the eyes and takes you back in time. The 3D movie of Swamiji at the World Religious conference, Chicago brings goose bumps. It is one thing to see movies and photos and the other is experiencing the great soul himself as he lived in this place for 10 days. The room he meditated makes you feel at peace and feel his presence too. I suggest everyone both within Chennai and especially for those from outside to visit and understand the greatness of Swamiji.
- Ram Ganesan, Chennai, India (from TripAdvisor)
A must visit historic building, with significant historical ties to Swami Vivekananda’s life.
Center gives a glimpse of the history of Indian culture, makes you realize how great our history and country has been.
I hope the work of this Math will fulfill the dreams of Swami Vivekananda, some day!
- Kumar, London, UK (from TripAdvisor)